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Tired of all the commercials and chatter on your FM dial? Static and poor radio reception got you down? Satellite radio is the cure you've been looking for!   Whether it's SIRIUS or XM, you'll have over 120 channels of the best commercial-free music, sports, news, and entertainment programming available today! No AM or FM channel can come close to the variety or pure digital sound quality that satellite radio offers.

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Plus, satellite radio stays with you across the US - great for travelers, truckers, and vacationers! Whether your journey is to work and back or a cross-country trip, you'll never have to worry about running out of entertainment. Satellite radio can be used with virtually any car stereo, on a boat, or in your home, RV, Semi or even walking around!
For a small monthly fee, XM and SIRIUS radio offer a massive variety of eclectic channels, with more well-known content being added all the time Let us be your source for all the latest satellite radio equipment, for any vehicle, anywhere.

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